Login information: - Please use your Tufts User Name and Password to Log-in
- Click on My Courses
- Click on the School of Dental Medicine banner
- Click Launch next to Dental Questionnaire
There are questions each one will pull up and requirements that will be created in your “course” list that you will need to do. If you don’t have any new courses then you can close out of it and you will be notified when you have something to complete.
If you are an ADA member, we would like you to do your credentialing on the CAQH website - please refer to the Quick Reference Guide
If you are not an ADA member, then please see the list below of what you will need to fill out the questionnaire. Once this is complete, you will be provided with a certificate that must be loaded. Once you fill this out once, it may be used for any insurance company you may choose to work with in the future. When things need to be updated, you will be notified.
Here is a list of the things you will need to complete the CAQH and the TUSDM Dental Questionnaire (this may not apply to everyone):
- List of all previous and current practice locations
- Identification numbers, such as UPIN, Medicare, Medicaid and National Provider Identifier (NPI)
- Electronic (scanned) copies of your:
- Massachusetts Dental License
- Any other License you may hold
- DEA Certificate
- Anesthesia license if you have one
- Malpractice Insurance Face Sheet - TUSDM Malpractice Insurance
- Summary of any pending or settled malpractice cases
- CPR Certificate
- CORI Acknowledgement Form (Background Check)
- Flu Vaccination or Declination- Flu Vaccine Acceptance or Declination Instructions
- Massachusetts Controlled Substance Registration (MCSR)
- Tufts Immunization Form
Helpful links and contact information:
- Discovery Public Profiles:
- Elements for editing profiles:
- Project Website:
- Support Email:
- Contact at TUSDM:
A project team has already populated much of your profile for you using your current Tufts Web profile and your CV.
Please take the time to follow instructions and update your profile. When you first login to the system, you will see the following information:
- Photo: If available
- Title/Department/Contact Information: Automatically generated from Tufts systems
- Biography/Overview statement: if available from CV or web site
- Tufts Appointments: Automatically generated from Tufts systems
- Education: Degrees only; entered as it is on your CV
- Professional Activities: Activities curated from your CV
- Publications: The system harvests publications from a portfolio of bibliographic databases and will automatically check for new publications on a regular basis. A manual review of publications will also be completed from your CV, to help include some publications that may not be well indexed in library databases.
- Tufts Grants: Tufts grants that are available from Tufts Research Administration System (RAS).
Faculty members will be responsible for reviewing the information entered on your behalf, updating/adding any missing details, and populating information as needed.
Bringing your profile up to date will be a one-time effort. After it is current, you will need to spend no more than an hour on it each year to maintain it.
We appreciate your time and effort and we look forward to providing additional updates. Please don’t hesitate to contact Monika Bankowski, Sr. Faculty Affairs Officer if you have any questions.